In 1923, Frank Lloyd Wright established a small office in West Hollywood and began accepting commissions for various projects, including four houses constructed entirely of geometric cast concrete blocks. These innovative designs revitalized the use of humble concrete blocks by incorporating decorative bas-reliefs and a new building system that Wright named "textile block construction." He likened this system to weaving, where concrete blocks were interlocked on the warp and weft of reinforced steel, creating a seamless "fabric" for the house. In an effort to integrate the houses with their natural surroundings, Wright utilized hand-cast blocks made from raw materials found on the properties, blending the houses with the colors and forms of the surrounding trees and hillside.
The 20x20 Storer House 3-D Embroidered decorative pillow has beautifully defined dimensional applique embroidery. Each pillow has a signature whirling arrow embroidered on the back right corner along with a whirling arrow zipper pull.